
An Impossible Bar to Clear: "Let Down" by Radiohead

One of the more frustrating things about being a songwriter is loving a style of music and being utterly incapable of replicating that style in any artistically acceptable way. A song that I love is "Let Down" by Radiohead from…

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A Great Cover of a Great Song

This is a tremendous interpretation of the masterpiece "Eleanor Rigby." As a songwriter, this is one of those songs that you can learn from - it has everything, lyrics, music, melody and a perfect arrangement. How does this fellow do…

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My Hands Are Tied

The fifth song on our new rock opera CD "birth, love, hate, death" is "My Hands Are Tied."  There is a simple premise underlying this song; the character, a young man, is intimidated by a girl he met (at a…

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FGM (Take the Knife Away)

Inspiration for songs can come from many places; it's nice when inspiration comes from a loving or some other uplifting source but often it comes from a place of sadness or outrage.  A story in the news last week reminded…

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A Libretto!

I am putting together the libretto for our new CD "birth, love, hate, death," a rock opera, for the purpose of sending it out to a couple of producers/directors and playhouses. I will be concentrating on the local market since…

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The Prophet (from "birth, love, hate, death")

So far I have written about the first three tunes of our new CD, "birth, love, hate, death" and they all have been intros to the story and characters.  The 4th song, "The Prophet," introduces us to the character named…

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Chris Cornell, part 2

One of the bits of wisdom I pretend to have learned on this journey through life is how captive we are to our natures. Some people, maybe most people think that we are blank slates when we are born; our…

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Chris Cornell

One of my favorite singers and a great songwriter, Chris Cornell has died.  This is painful to write about, not only because he has died, but because it has been reported as an apparent suicide, meaning that he was most…

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"Your Son"

In the last couple of weeks I've posted about the first two songs on the new UniversalDice CD "birth, love, hate, death". The first song basically was an introduction in the grandest sense: "Welcome to the World." Although the song…

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Releasing music these days is more than creating the music; I guess it has always been this way but now there are so many more details that did not exist just 10 or 15 years ago. Here is one of…

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